Impact – To disseminate and facilitate the take up of the technology and measurement infrastructure developed in the project by the measurement supply chain (accredited laboratories, instrument manufacturers), standards developing organisations.
This project aims to provide high impact by allowing the European gas industry to:
- Charge customers correctly when introducing new energy gases by utilising the new capabilities for flow metering.
- Use gas analysers and commercial laboratories to accurately determine gas composition and energy content of biomethane, hydrogen, hydrogen enriched natural gas and carbon dioxide for CCS.
- Utilise improved data for predicting physical properties of hydrogen, biomethane or hydrogen-enriched natural gas in the grid, or carbon dioxide for CCS (including phase changes).
- Have suitable equipment to identify and measure gas leaks of hydrogen and hydrogen- enriched natural gas from the gas grid and leaks of carbon monoxide in hydrogen-enriched natural gas.
- Identify leaks of carbon dioxide from their sites in order to minimise them and quantify the losses.
Additionally the project will impact laboratories and commercial suppliers of measurement instruments and devices by providing them with primary standards, methods and good practice to perform the required accurate and traceable measurements for new energy gases. The outcomes of this project are expected to directly support revision or development of many standards, but a priority will be given to those that are directly related to the project objectives. In particular, the project aims to support standardization at CEN and ISO level where guidance is provided for performing these measurements.
The project has a four pillar dissemination & communication strategy:
- Oral presentations: are considered a key tool for raising awareness and ensure uptake of the project results. The project partners target key industry summits, conferences and standardization meetings.
- Papers: the project has committed itself to publish papers in key academic & industry journals and popular magazines. Links to this can be found here.
- Trainings & workshops: the project organizes a public workshop in Q2/Q3 2023 and a multiple day international training in Q2 2024.
- Outreach via various communication channels: Besides the project website, the project maintains a public LinkedIn profile and a LinkedIn group. Link up with us to stay tuned with the latest project updates.
For more information please contact WP 5 leader: Lennart de Waart, email: